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CFO Leader Podcast
Live Panel – When Vision Meets Reality: Managing an Operating Plan
Specia live expert panel edition: ” When Vision Meets Reality: Managing an Operating Plan” hosted by FEI Utah (Financial Executives International) and CFO Leader.
Ken Kaufman – Scaling a remote finance team
Ken Kaufman, CFO at Community Dental Partners is a 100% remote CFO for his company and has built and scaled a successful remote-enabled finance team.
Wade Olsen – Just exactly what IS treasury? Pt. 1 – Cash Visibility
Wade Olsen, co-founder of Treasury Suite and I dive into the world of treasury. In this episode we focus on cash visibility and forecasting in this episode, but it is clear we have only scratched the surface. To be continued.
Carl Seidman – Your Financial Models Suck
Carl Seidman, of Seidman Financial discusses how CFO’s can architect and construct better financial models. We also chat about tips to becoming a better reviewer of financial models prepared by others.
David Bedell – Managing a Board
David Bedell, CFO of HireVue chats with me about thoughts and considerations when interacting and managing your relationship with the board of directors, including discussions on reasons why CFOs get fired by the board.
Kevin McKenzie – Running a Finance Team
Kevin Mckenzie, CFO of SimpleNexus and I sit down to discuss his process for running an efficient finance team.
Regan Guth – You don’t know D&O Insurance
Regan Guth, Shareholder at Diversified Insurance Group and I chat about the rarely discussed fine points of D&O insurance that every CFO should understand.
Brian Lanier – Pricing SaaS Products
Brian Lanier, CFO of PDQ.COM. joins me to discuss frameworks and thought processes around the pricing of SaaS products.
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